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Welcome to the Jen G Studios website! :*)


~ ~ ~ New New New ~ ~ ~

Based on numerous customer requests, I have a very exciting announcement -
the names of the mountains will now be printed on each kitchen towel.
This has been an overwhelming task, and I have not had time to rephotograph every towel to post to my website. Therefore, I have changed the inventory numbers to zero, please email me if you want something, or come find me at a weekend market near you.
I have 21 weekends on the calendar starting mid-May going through mid-October.
The full schedule can be found on my website events page.
Please come see me!



PRINTMAKING is a fine art process of applying ink to a plate or matrix, and transferring the image to a substrate - paper, fabric, wood, or other material.


The artist is capable of producing multiples of the same image, which is called an edition. Each piece produced can be a near-replica of the last, or completely different from the next. Regardless, a print is an original work of art. Printmaking is chosen for the unique qualities that each of the processes lends itself to.


Printmaking processes: monotype, monoprint, relief (woodcut and linoleum cut) Silkscreen (screenprint, serigraphy), Intaglio (dry point, etching, collagraph), lithography - just to name a few...


Want to learn more? Take a workshop! Visit my events and workshops page for more details. 


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